[with photos] 31 Mar ? Yassir and his family (including 8 children) have been living during the spring time in Khirbet Samra, Jordan Valley, since 2006. At 8.30 pm yesterday evening the Israeli army came to his home claiming to be looking for .... You then return home for the summer vacation. You are arrested, stripped of your citizenship and expelled out of your homeland. This episode is not taken from a satirical novel. It is what the new Knesset law all about. ...
bSamara/b says: December 4, 2009 at 10:16 pm. Well-Liked. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 4 Thumb down 0. OMG love bill shoes!!!!! ugh fnally no heels :)). Reply. Roxi says: December 4, 2009 at 9:50 pm. Well-Liked. Like or Dislike: Thumb up ... Yeah it really frustrates me, because it deprives Tokio bHotel/b of showing off their true, raw talent. Just to save a couple bucks on electricity. It's annoying. But Tokio bHotel/b in concert blows EVERYTHING out of the water, so it's ok. :) ...